Nominations are due December 13, 2024.

“Research Innovator” recognizes an individual for their outstanding work in advancing Market Research during the last year.

HOF Award - Research Innovator Nomination 2025

"*" indicates required fields


1. We invite only MRC members to nominate qualified professionals who meet the descriptions provided above for the Hall of Fame Active Practitioner, Lifetime Achievement and Research Innovator* awards

2. Prospective honorees need not be MRC members

3. Only MRC members cast votes for Hall of Fame awards (Current Practitioner and Lifetime Achievement)

4. A researcher who has received an MRC Active Practitioner Hall of Fame award in the past and who is now semi- or fully retired may be nominated/considered for the Lifetime Achievement Hall of Fame award

5. MRC members can nominate multiple individuals for each or either Hall of Fame award. However, please be aware that it's mandatory to fill out the nomination forms completely for any submission to be considered

* The Research Innovator award recipient is nominated by members and chosen by the MRC Executive Committee

If you have any questions about these nomination forms, please contact Rosemarie Sharpe:

Notes: The submission period is November 4, 2024 through December 13, 2024. Submission deadlines will not be extended. ** Research contributions considered "outstanding" have positive and long-lasting impact on the way we design, conduct and share market research.