October 19, 2023 – Human vs Machine Who Tells the Better Research Story


AI, Tech & Innovation Series

“Human v. Machine: Who Tells the Better Research Story?”

For this super hot, can’t-afford-to-miss topic, the Market Research Council has invited three research experts to go head-to-head in discussing the pros and cons of AI capabilities driving the research process into new territories–particularly for the synthesizing of large data sets and creation of coherent and relevant stories for clients. Panelists will build on a prior presentation and blog post by Lucy Davison and her colleagues. Lucy explains:

“As we embark on the exciting journey of technological progress, we ask ourselves how can we, as insights leads, take advantage of AI rather than have it take advantage of us? How much can it amplify our capabilities?”

Meet The Panel (Click on Names for Bios) and RSVP Below!

Lucy Davison
Founder & CEO
Keen as Mustard Marketing


Richard Colwell
RED C Research Group


Guillaume Aimetti




members, free

non-members, $35